Keyrock recognises that financial crimes have an adverse effect on the integrity of the financial services marketplace. 


To detect and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, Keyrock has implemented an AML risk-based Framework that defines the rules and principles to be respected in order to comply with applicable AML/CFT laws and regulations. The Framework includes but is not limited to: 

  • roles and responsibilities; 
  • the appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (‘MLRO’);
  • the provision of appropriate management information and reporting to senior management;
  • enterprise wide and customer risk assessments; 
  • the requirements for the different phases of the AML/CFT process, including the obligation to identify and verify new clients, the due diligence process, the screening against sanctions lists, the obligation to report suspicious activity, and if necessary, the termination of the contractual relationship;
  • the training program. 


The Framework is regularly refined and strengthened to address evolving risks and threats. Keyrock will actively prevent and take measures to guard against being used to facilitate financial crime. 


We value our reputation as a trustworthy financial partner, and therefore do not enter into relationships with organisations engaged in, or suspected of, illegal or unethical activities.