

This website, its content, and any information provided by Keyrock SA and its affiliates is solely for discussion and information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or firm commitment of any kind to provide any investment opportunity, product, or return.


Geographical regulatory restrictions

Products and services may be provided by different Keyrock’s group entities depending on the jurisdiction of the client and the regulatory status of the product or service.


Investors/ consumers

Keyrock is a B2B company and does not transact with, or provide any service to any retail investor or consumer.



Keyrock doesn’t target UK consumers. The services presented and described herein are directed towards Investment Professionals and High Net Worth Companies & Trusts in compliance with articles 19 and 49 of the FSMA 2000 Financial Promotions Order (2005) and as such the financial promotion restrictions do not apply to the contents of this website



Our services are not available to anyone who is (1) a natural person resident in the United States, (2) a legal entity organized or incorporated under the laws of the United States; (3) estate of which any executor or administrator is a U.S. person; (4) a trust of which any trustee is a U.S. person; (4) an agency or branch of a foreign entity located in the United States; (5) non-discretionary account or similar account held by a dealer or other fiduciary for the benefit or account of a U.S. person; (6) a discretionary account or similar account held by a dealer or other fiduciary organized, incorporated, or (if an individual) resident in the United States; or (7) with certain exceptions any legal entity formed under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the United States, if the entity was formed by a U.S. person principally for the purpose of investing in securities not registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933